Go back Lady Impa's house in Kakariko Village and show these photographs to her. Purha asks you to take a picture of her, then she tells you about the other pictures in your album. This quest starts at the Hateno's Ancient Tech Lab, where Ms. I do still find it curious Zelda says nothing of note came of her research (The night before the inauguration.) If she had indeed been able to activate the slate and power the Divine Beasts as this seems to be quite a significant discovery.Breath of the Wild tips and tricks Memories But as observed by many others we see no Sheikah slate on her when she first visits them. One thing that could be possible too is that Zelda went to activate the Divine Beasts as she visited each Champion. Unlike the cut scenes with Link where they are clearly present and looked upon. None of the Champions ballad cutscenes seems to show the Divine Beasts, while a few wider shots of those scenes do show the general area the divine beasts are typically known to be located.

But it's also just as likely that the Royal Family had the champions (Or at least the idea of pilots for them) in mind long before Zelda went to visit them as hinted at by the diary entries and their rumors. The only indicator working in its favor is the logic to not bother looking for champions if you can't even get the beasts to work. The two statements made are separate and not reliant on the other to precede it.

It may seem like she didn't visit them until after the DB's were activated but we can't really know for sure. Princess Zelda herself traveled to their homes to request their aid." "Once the Divine Beasts were activated, in line with ancient tradition, four exceptional individuals were chosen from across Hyrule to pilot them. It wouldn't be the first time CaC has fudged it's info. Though I still take issue with when the slate was activated exactly. I will have to concede for now the approximate time frame for the Sheikah slate discovery. I've made the necessary changes, thank you for your help. Having read through CaC a bit, I have a stronger argument than I did before.

First, you have Mipha's Diary page 7 labeled as Mipha's Diary page 8. The last beautiful move Link performed on the mountain is called a Spin Attack. His kindness and determination to help those in need. Though I should have been terrified, I could not help but feel safe in the presence of my dear friend. I was fascinated by the beauty of his movements. His swordsmanship was swift and graceful. With a sure hand and a fierce gleam in his eye, Link unsheathed the sword that seals the darkness and defeated our foe. While I argued, the Lynel attacked us from behind! I was sure we had met our end. When we were almost there, he told me to turn back. When I said that, he started walking toward the mountain, without a word. I told him the Lynel of Ploymus Mountain has been terrorizing everyone lately.