Numerology is also an excellent way to gain insight into other people. Pythagorean system uses only single digit numbers. Pythagorean numerology is often referred to as Western numerology as well as Modern numerology. Pythagorean system simply assigns the numbers in sequence so A=1, B=2, C=3 and so on. Pythagorean numerology is the easiest, the best known, and the most widely used by modern numerologists. AstroSwamiji's experienced astrologer can help you make your life simple and easy by making a right and accurate report.The Pythagorean method was developed by Pythagoras, a Greek mathematician and metaphysician who lived during the 6th century.

If you are also worried about money business or your family life in your life, then you should get your year's business or private life report prepared with the help of Astroswamiji. The prediction given in numerology is very accurate and straightforward. If you do not believe in numerology, then we should tell you that numerology has been running for some 10000 years. Add the radix of the year you want to know your future. You need to remove the radix of the first year and in the last one, you just keep the radix of that year and not the year or year of your birth. But if you want to find out the Luck Path Number then, you can get it by adding the date of birth, month and year of birth.ġ9 + 03 + 2 = 24 = 6, then what your radix has been is 6. You do not need to add the year or month. For example, if you were born on March 19, then your radicalization will be in this way-ġ + 9= 10 = 1+0 = 1 then your radix is 1. The fact is that to find the radix, the year's digit is not added.

Many times, people make the mistake of adding details of his birth Year while finding birth radix or number. Now, if you have to know your basic number, then this is also easy. So when you add the sum of all the digits used in the 2018, in astrological way, 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2 will be received. Now first know what the radix of 2018 is. These 9 digits are related to 9 planets of the universe and are also called Radix numbers. We must tell you that Numerology has 9 digits in conjunction with the 9 digits in the universe. Here we will teach you to calculate your points according to your name or birth date. But it is difficult for the common man to know his own number according to Numerology. Your number determines your career, job, success, relationships and other small and big issues in your life. Numerology also reveals the number of problems in your life. According to your points, the character of the person is decided, and the future of the person revolves around that number. The figure owner's assessment is calculated according to the date of birth or name. This digit can make the correct assessment of the past, future and current situation of the person's life.

Your fate is assessed by the same number and linked to behaviour, needs and desires. In numerology, there is a numeral of each person that governs his future.

It is said that the numbers from 0 to 9 are governed by divine powers. Thousands of years ago, there were predictions made with the help of numerology in many countries of the world. Numerology is a science of numbers in which the person's prediction is announced with the help of numerals. Your date of birth reveals your numerical assets.